Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nearing the End of Season 1

Hello Everyone,
It’s time to blog!  We had a great week shooting.  Some very intense scenes for the actors and very rewarding to see their work.  
The first cuts of the episodes are starting to land in my lap and I am busy making notes on them after we are done shooting for the day.  So my work load has increased.  I used to edit for years so I am enjoying guiding the editors to delivering top-notch professional episodes.  Very rewarding.
Today I did something very different, I finally got to go on the hike into the Ngong Hills - you know, the ones with the lions.  Well I didn’t see any lions but I did make it up the hike.  And it was a very strenuous, long hike.  I was definitely challenged.  You will see some photos of the the two guys I went with.  One of them is the accountant for the series and the other is a medical doctor.  We had a great time.  I found out that Ngong is a Masai word that means “knuckles” and these hills are called that because when you see them from the valley they look like your knuckles when your fist is closed.  They start low and with each new hill they get higher. 
I have more photos as well.  Thought you might like to see them.  
For all the actors who are following, I can tell you that I have learned a great deal about directing an actor in a very short period of time.  It’s a skill like none other and I have complete certainty on what directors look for in actors.  And, seeing how I am getting a Producer credit as well on this series, I can also tell you with certainty what Producers want from actors.  I have many stories to tell that are completely relevant to your professionalism and career advancement.  Incredible stuff!
Well I am off to bed shortly as I have my regular 6:15 a.m. pick-up time.
Have a great week everyone!  Thanks for reading my blog - asanti sana (thank you very much in Swahili)

The University Ambulance.  We have done several scenes in their sick bay area located just behind the ambulance in this picture.

Using the crane in a warehouse.  This scene was where these corrupt dudes starting beating on one of their clients who couldn't pay them off.  Very cool shots here.  Lots of action and I can't wait to see the edit!  Action is definitely harder to shoot in some ways and takes longer.  It's more like choreographing a dance but in filmic terms.  Very cool.

Hiking in the Ngong Hills.  These guys are 20 years younger than me so you can imagine how I felt!

Shooting in the Nairobi heat.  The grips built a little shelter for the DoP to keep the sun off of him and his focus puller.  This is right in the middle of the campus.  The students are starting to get used to us know so very few of them stop and watch like they used to.

At the summit of our hike in the Ngong Hills.  Believe it or not I kept up with these guys!

Flowers at the top waiting to great me so they could be photographed and viewed in North America!

These birds are large - almost the size of a Canada goose.  They are all over Nairobi and make the loudest noise I have ever heard from a bird.  This one was near the warehouse we were shooting.

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